All our facials are done with Dermafix products. We offer a variety of facials to cater for every individual need. Facials that we offer include the Pamper facial, Deep Cleansing facial, Laser facial as well as a Teenage facial and

We offer a variety of waxing treatments. We use only the best kind of hotwax on all sensitive areas including bikini area, underarms and on the face. See the pricelist for waxing treatments offered.     

We offer hand and foot massages, back and neck massages and then also full body massages. All the masssages are done with different Sh'zen massage oils that cater for individual needs. 

Permanent make up is the best way of being beautifull all day. Permanent make up is done on the brow area to enhance thin or light brows. It is also done on the eye area to have a permanent eyeliner and on the lips aswell to have permanent colour on

Hand and Foot treatments are done with Sh'zen products. Sh'zen products are all natural products that replenish and heal dry and cracked skin. Sh'zen repairs and nourish the skin on hands and feet leaving them soft and smooth.

DERMAFIX Dermafix is a Cosmeceutical skin care range, this meaning that it is much more of a medical type product than just a normal skincare product. Dermafix products shows magnificent results in treating  the following skinproblems: Non-ci

Pigmentation: Pigmentation or in other words, brown marks, freckles - big and small, liver spots or age spots or any other brown mark fall under the description of Pigmentation. Pigmentation can be caused by hormonal imbalance in the body,